Highcliffe Transition Portal | Highcliffe School


MyHighcliffe is Highcliffe's very own online Virtual Learning Environment.

It's essentially a digital version of your school planner with live updating data.

What can I do on MyHighcliffe?

  • Check your Home Studies
  • View and print your timetable
  • See how many commendations and demerits you have received
  • View your attendance
  • Track your progress for each unit of each subject with Continuous Assessment
  • Remotely access your files and shared files

Parents MyHighcliffe

Parents can apply for a MyHighcliffe account to allow them to keep track of their child's progress.


Your student and parent login details should arrive by post in late June / early July. If they have not, please allow a couple of days before contacting the School Office. Once you have your details you will be able to visit my.highcliffe.school and login.

Please note: you must sign into the parent account first to activate the student account.

© Highcliffe School 2024