Highcliffe Transition Portal | Highcliffe School

Highcliffe Ready

In this section of the website there are a series of videos, activities and lessons that are designed to prepare you for your first weeks at Highcliffe School. To accompany these, you are going to be lent a book called ‘Go Big- The Secondary School Survival Guide’. Please look after this book and bring it with you on your first day of school.

If you attend a feeder school, your teachers will deliver some of these sessions in your lessons. If you are joining us from a different school, we would love you to look at these resources and do the activities at home. None of them will take you very long and we think they will all be useful in helping you feel confident and excited about joining us.

You will see that there are 5 sections. The first 3 cover the themes of ‘Responsible, Respectful and Purposeful’. You will hear these 3 words a lot in your time at Highcliffe School. The 4th section is about Resilience and in the final section, there are some short lessons and activities to give you a taste of what to expect.

When you join us, you will be given a challenge card where you can tick off different activities you have done. The more activities you do, the better prepared you will be for secondary school. Some of these activities can be done in the summer holiday. If you lose your challenge card, you can find a copy here.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Mrs Giller - Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion, Safeguarding, Transition)

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