Ecoclub | Highcliffe School


This is the third year we have run the Ecoclub garden and we now have a good system for planting and harvesting and ensuring that we have continuous production in the garden throughout the school year

As always there have been particular  successes ( vast quantities of enormous marais piper potatoes )  and the occasional disappointment ( the weekend the pumpkins decided to expire en-masse…).  Much to Mr Prodomo’s delight ( see below! ) the radish crop was particularly bountiful this year, and  several members of the Dorset constabulary were seen enjoying these along with their lunch when they were on site during activities week.


Last year we planted a variety of berry-bearing  shrubs around the perimeter of the garden and these have now matured enough to begin to provide a living, and edible border to the garden. This was a particular  delight for the Year 7  volunteers during the  Summer  Term, and tending of the garden on a Tuesday afternoon was frequently punctuated by breaks to ‘check the bushes’. Throughout the Summer the Food Technology department took full advantage of the available produce for a number of culinary adventures ( see below for a particularly fine example of blackcurrant pie…).


The early burst of warm weather and long dry spells generated two problems in the Wildlife area and Eco garden. Namely rapid growth of weeds and a pond area that began to look like a skate park  as  the  pond dried and drained with water. It became quickly evident that the lining had been compromised and needed some serious TLC. 


A brave team of volunteers from year 8 put themselves forward to help with both problems during activities week and for two days the Ecogarden and pond areas were hives of industrious activity ably supported by the landscaping skills of Mr Edmonds and the gardening talent of Miss Stewart. I was most impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of the Year 8 team. Huge quantities of pond weed and evil sludge needed  to be removed from the pond before the state of the lining could be addressed and it quickly became evident that part of the bank had collapsed, leaving large spaces under the lining which had ruptured in several places. Barrow loads of sand were carted across school without complaint and as you can see from the photographs the students clearly enjoyed the challenge.


While this was going on Miss Stewart was coordinating the pincer movement on the garden with military-like efficiency and the results after two days hard work weeding, edging, pruning and planting were stunning with the garden looking neat, full of edible goodies and a credit to the teachers and students who had contributed to the effort.


As always Ecoclub is open to all lower  school members and runs every Tuesday afternoon from 3:05 pm and meets in Sc12. Warm clothing is essential and wet weather  gear an occasional necessity!


New year 7 students are particularly encouraged to join in with the Highcliffe School green movement- if you think you may have green fingers or want to be part of the Highcliffe School Eco Team please contact Mr Craven in Sc12.



    Owned by: | Last Published: 03/01/2012 09:11:04 | Next Update: N/A

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