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Attitude to Learning Guidance | Highcliffe School

Attitude to Learning Guidance

Attitude to Learning grades focus closely on a school wide approach to students becoming more independent in their learning. Each student is given an Attitude to Learning rating by the member of staff who takes them for each subject. This is based on observable behaviour that the student displays in class and the quality of the work they produce at home and in school. 

A student will not necessarily meet all of the criteria in any one category and so teachers will use a best fit approach when deciding to give a rating. In order for students to move a category they may only need to change their approach in certain key areas and teachers will be happy to discuss these. 


Dynamic Learner (DL)

You are consistently commended…


Active Learner (AL)

You are often commended…


Passive Learner (PL)

You are sometimes commended… 


Reluctant Learner (RL)

You are rarely commended…

… for excellent work because you present your work to a very high standard and offer clear, carefully explained, extended verbal explanations. 

… for a breakthrough in learning because you seek out challenging tasks, take risks and know that making mistakes can help you learn. 

… for actively engaging in learning because you persevere with your work even when it is difficult, you are willing to learn and improve. You listen carefully to guidance and read and respond to feedback. 

… for demonstrating initiative in learning because you can work independently and manage your time well in order to meet deadlines. You show evidence of preparatory work, extended research and use of wider general knowledge in your work. You ask adults for support only when you have tried to solve a problem yourself. 

… for helping others learn because you work well in pairs or in groups, share ideas and give constructive feedback. You behave respectfully towards both staff and students. 

… for demonstrating consideration for others because you live by the school values - caring, supporting and encouraging.

    Owned by: MYP | Last Published: 10/10/2023 10:08:52 | Next Update: N/A