Pupil Premium at Highcliffe School | Highcliffe School

Pupil Premium at Highcliffe School

What is Pupil Premium?

Approximately 17% of our students are Pupil Premium.  The school receives extra funding to support Pupil Premium students with their education. 

This can be because they are:

  • Students registered as eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in any of the previous six years
  • Looked after Children or Previously Looked After Children (LAC/PLAC) and Adopted Children
  • Students whose parents have served in the Armed Forces in any of the previous five years


Highcliffe School’s ethos is to use the funding to:

  • Narrow the gap between the achievement of these students and their peers
  • Encourage social mobility, aspiration and progression towards post-16 education, training and work
  • Address, where possible, underlying inequalities between Pupil Premium students and their peers


At the moment we have support in place for Pupil Premium students including:

  • Uniform grants (For students who are BOTH Pupil Premium (PP) and Free School Meals (FSM))
  • Targeted fast track 1:1 careers appointments
  • Discretionally financial support to aid academic trips, music tuition and resources such as revision materials
  • Special projects
  • Support for individuals from the Jubilee centre

All of the above plus dedicated and identified staffing is designed to enable the school to support students in striving to meet our three key ethos statements and their own full potential.

Current Documents

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027

Archived Documents


    Owned by: JSS | Last Published: 20/12/2024 09:10:14 | Next Update: As Required