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School Day | Highcliffe School

School Day


Years 7, 8 and 9

08.35 Registration

09:00 Movement to Period 1

09.05 Period 1

10:00 Movement to Period 2

10.05 Period 2

11.00 Break

11:20 Movement to Period 3

11.25 Period 3

12:20 Movement to Period 4

12.25 Period 4 (including pm registration)

13.20 Lunch (Year 7 will finish for lunch at 13:15)

14:00 Movement to Period 5

14.05 Period 5

15.00 Close

Years 10, 11, 12 and 13

08.35 Registration

09:00 Movement to Period 1

09.05 Period 1

10:00 Movement to Period 2

10.05 Period 2

11.00 Break

11:20 Movement to Period 3

11.25 Period 3

12:20 Movement to Period 4

12.25 Period 4 (including pm registration)

13.20 Lunch (Year 7 will finish for lunch at 13:15)

14:00 Movement to Period 5

14.05 Period 5

15.05 Close

Buses will be dismissed at 3:15pm allowing all students a minimum of 10 minutes movement to buses.

School is open to students for 32.5 hours per week.

    Owned by: APS | Last Published: 10/10/2023 12:30:39 | Next Update: As Required