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Continuous Assessment Information | Highcliffe School

Continuous Assessment Information

Years 7, 8 and 9

Continuous Assessment is Highcliffe Schools reporting platform in Years 7, 8 and 9. 

Teaching staff have written bespoke assessment criteria for every unit of work studied in every subject in Years 7 to 9, carefully mapped to introduce GCSE-related knowledge, understanding and skills early on in learning, and offering opportunities for the most motivated students to also go beyond the prescribed criteria, when they are ready to do so, to begin preparing them to succeed at A Level. Units vary in length between 4 to 5 weeks to entire terms of around 12 weeks.

It is designed to allow subjects to enter details for students, parents and internal tracking at the right time in the subjects curriculum plan rather than at certain times of the year.  You will receive paper copies of students Continuous Assessments at the start of the spring and summer terms.  We also send one out at the end of the summer term.

Below you will find our launch presentation (which even thou now several years old sis still valid) which includes details of the online portal (accessible via MyHighcliffe) for parents and students.  This portal allows you to 'drill down' to the criteria being met and also see the content of the Year 7 to 9 units of work.

Updates since launch (combine with Presentations and Guidance Document below)

- For Year 7 students we no longer provide a benchmark/progress statement for Music, Art, Technology or Physical Education as we have decided that the SATS KS2 score and data provided from Primary Schools is not representative of a students ability in these subjects.

- For students where no KS2 SATS data has been provided (due to Covid or other reasons) we now use data from Primary Schools combined our own internal assessments at the start of Year 7 to arrive at the benchmark expected for each student.


Information and Guidance for Parents

Feedback and Marking Policy

Attitude to Learning Guidance

The online part of Continuous Assessment can be found in MyHighcliffe (Parents and Students).  Should you require a reminder of your username/password please email office@highcliffeschool.com including your own name and the students name.


    Owned by: MDS | Last Published: 24/11/2022 13:19:37 | Next Update: n/a

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