Hampshire Transport | Highcliffe School

Hampshire Transport

Updated information regarding changes to the Hampshire Transport to School Policy. Updated 17/10/2011.

Highcliffe School working with our primary colleagues and with the support of parents has been working closely with Hampshire County Council to address the concerns that have been brought to our attention with regard to the changes to the Hampshire Transport to School Policy for students due to transfer to Secondary Education in September 2012.


We are now in a position to announce that Hampshire County Council have agreed that, for families in the catchment area of Highcliffe School making applications for places for year 7 in September 2012 who would have been affected by these changes (i.e. those with more than one catchment school) the current policy will remain largely in place for the intake for September 2012.

The main points are:

• For on-time applications (Deadline October 31st 2011) the existing policy will stand (free travel subsidy will be in place as previous years)

• This transport will be available for the full five years of years 7 to 11 (unless the family circumstances change, such as moving house or switching secondary schools).

• Any late (after 31st October) or in-year applications will be assessed under the new policy which may restrict availability of free transport.


A copy of the letter from Hampshire County Council confirming this is attached below.
With the confirmation of the existing transport policy remaining in place for September 2012 should you wish to update an application for a secondary place this can be done either online via the online application system or by providing another paper application form to Hampshire (please see attached letter from Hampshire County Council).


Highcliffe School is committed to continuing our strong links with all of our feeder schools. We continue to work with Hampshire County Council to provide student transport for future years.

Letter from Hampshire County Council



    Owned by: | Last Published: 03/01/2012 09:12:00 | Next Update: N/A

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