Embellish is an A Level self initiative and self project. All of our pieces represent us in a particular or personal way. Each of us has directed this project in a different way, which has created various aspects to attract a wider audience. Embellish is about creating a item or sculpture in which conveys your personality, your designing ambitions and your love for textiles. This project has made us produce something to illustrate our personalities through an item of clothing, which was difficult but also exciting and great experience.
As individuals we took inspiration from wider topics that could be examined and developed into a much more condensed subject to focus on for our final designs and ideas, some of which included the topics of; decay, print and text, water and reflections, delicate, and self. Together, as a group, we enjoy focusing on topics in which we can find interest to create a piece which relates to ourselves and styles as textile artists. We all delight in creating garments to be worn and therefore when researching artists we tend to focus on fashion, designers and the way that this relates to our specific textile subjects.
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