Mr Cartledge, a parent of a Year 7 student, kindly offered to come to Highcliffe School and deliver a presentation to students, informing them of the breadth and depth of the work of the Ordnance Survey.
He had prepared an informative and light-hearted slide show with film footage, giving a snapshot of the history and diverse work of the organisation. Who would believe that hard copies of maps only account for about 8% of their output? Their main work is with digital and GPS mapping. The Ordnance Survey is the world leader when it comes to mapping techniques. Field surveyors are constantly out and about recording data so that maps can be updated 500 times a day! So every new fence which is built, every new building, each new path has to be recorded so that the postman knows where to deliver your post.
Mr Cartledge gave spot prizes for responses to quizzes and then taught the students how to use digimaps on the computers. Everyone was very involved and before we knew it we had run out of time. It was a very valuable learning experience and we would like to thank Mr Cartledge for his time and energy.
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