This is part of our continuing collaborative work between the two schools where we aim to raise the expectations and aspirations of our youngsters in their career choices.
Bob enlightened us all with his inspirational stories of the children and adults who live ‘life without limits’ and who have succeeded against all the odds to live a full and valued life. He made us aware that limbs may only have a life of 6 months if the amputee is young; the artificial limb must be constantly changed to keep pace with the rate of growth. One of his most recent assignments has been for an Atlantic rower who has had to take 6 pairs of artificial limbs of different sizes with him as he will lose so much weight on his journey. The seat in the boat has also had to be specially designed to accommodate his posture.
Bob spoke of how he has assisted athletes, war veterans and models along with the average person in the street. Artificial limbs have certainly moved forward in recent years. Have you ever thought about designing your own leg with colours and patterns? He showed us a variety of limbs which the audience could hold. The silicone leg and hand were so life-like with freckles, nails, veins and skin imperfections. The evening was truly humbling and inspirational.
The other lectures in the series are:
Thursday 2nd February 2012, ‘The National Trust’ by Tom Stockwell
Thursday 23rd February, ‘The Life of an Air Traffic Controller’ by Mark Lande
Thursday 1st March, ‘Atlantic Rower’ by Mark Stubbs
Thursday 8th March, ‘Careers in Medicine’ by Doctors Karen and Damian Jenkinson
All lectures take place in the Performing Arts Centre at Ballard School and commence at 7pm.
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