Hindu Experience Day | Highcliffe School

Hindu Experience Day

The Hindu day was unforgettable. It was fun and exciting. Da Vinci smelled sweet with incense and had calming music playing. We had to take off our shoes. We learnt about the Hindu Gods and what they represented......

.....We all dressed in traditional Indian clothing. Some of the boys dressed up like Gods. We learnt a dance of respect. It was a day to remember.

Monday 23rd January was cold and crisp and Year7 were about to be transported to the warmth of India.  Year 7 are currently undertaking a unit on Hinduism and were privileged to have Mr Dhiransanta Das come to Highcliffe to help them learn and experience more about Hinduism.  The day began with the whole of Year 7 in the hall where Mr Das talked to them about Hinduism and what it is like being a Hindu.  Afterwards there were workshops held in Da Vinci.

Here is what some of the Year 7 students said about the day:
“Firstly someone put scarves around our shoulders and then a 6th Form student put a sort of paint shape on our foreheads.  Then we watched 10 girls and 10 boys do a dance of respect. Everyone wore bright clothes.  There was also a shrine to the main Gods.”   Matthew Davey

“I found the Hindu experience day really interesting and fun.  I learnt lots of interesting facts about the religion and the culture.  The workshop was really colourful.  There were lots of activities to do such as dressing up, having patterns printed on our hands and bindis on our heads.  I really enjoyed it.” Laura Woods

“We got to learn a Bollywood dance and wear Indian clothes.  It was really enjoyable and I wish I could do it all over again.”  Katie White

“The Hindu day was great!  It was fun when we did the Hindu dance because you had to get into partners and we went in two lines and then spun around with each other – I got really dizzy.” Filiz Alkan

“We had to stand opposite the girls with flower garlands and then walk very slowly to put them around their necks.  Then we had to bow to show respect and slowly walk back, then the girls did the same to the boys.  I thought it was an outstanding experience because Mr Das taught us some Hindu words as well.”  Ryan McClaren

“We learnt about Hindu beliefs and rituals.  Mr Das set up a shrine in Da Vinci –it was very bright and colourful.  Some people dressed up as different Gods.  It was fun and we learnt a lot.  We also did Bollywood dancing.  The girls spun round and the boys danced with sticks. It was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.”  Bradley Rowell

“The talk by Mr Das in the hall was interesting and a real eye opener.  We all learnt a lot about the Hindu religion and customs.  The workshop was fun, the class did Bollywood dancing – I got to dress up as Shiva.”  Jack Gale

“First we looked at some of the Gods in the shrine. Then we dressed up in traditional clothes with garlands.  Then we did a dance with the garlands to show respect.  I also learnt that Vishnu has 10 avatars.”  Thomas Trach

“In the hall everyone did singing and hand actions which was great fun.  Later we got to wear bindis and fake henna patterns.  We did dancing and had to show respect for our partner.”   Megan Kydd-Coutts

“We learnt that many Hindus go to bed at 7pm and get up at 4 or 5am to meditate.”  Georgia Henderson

“I found Hindu day very interesting as we dressed up and had a lot of fun.  I liked the colourful shrine in the background it was beautiful!!!  Also I liked the dances that we did.  I learnt a lot.”  Kira Marsh

As you can read above, the students really seemed to enjoy themselves and we have been able to link the things they have learnt from the day with the things they are learning about in class.
The respect workshop really was thought provoking – hopefully Year 7 will remember that in Hinduism teachers are regarded like Gods as they have valuable information to share!




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