Multi-Skilled in ‘Multi-Skills’ | Highcliffe School

Multi-Skilled in ‘Multi-Skills’

As part of the Highcliffe Learning Alliance PE teachers from Highcliffe School are offering support and professional development to their primary feeder schools.

Part of the programme includes a number of competitions throughout the year held at Highcliffe School.
This allows the students to experience being in a secondary school as well as giving them the opportunity to compete against other students from other primary schools. In January and February Years 1 – 4 competed in a multi skills tournament and took part in a circuit which including a number of activities.

The Highcliffe School sports leaders also gained experience by running the stations and leading the students through the activities. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we are looking to future events and competitions.



    Owned by: | Last Published: 21/02/2012 10:16:01 | Next Update: N/A

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