They are currently studying the process of weathering and were challenged to produce an annotated model to depict mechanical, biological or physical weathering.
Students have produced a stunning array of models, with one student even conducting his own scientific experiment to see the process in action!
Year 10 Field Trip
A freezing cold Tuesday 21st February saw Year 10 GCSE Geography students departing for fieldwork to the honeypot town of Lyndhurst in the heart of the New Forest. The students’ task was to collect data to respond to GCSE coursework examining the “Impact of Tourism on Lyndhurst”.
Various activities including traffic surveys, people counts and litter surveys were carried out at different points in the town. The groups also mapped shop use to try to establish if Lyndhurst was a town more geared towards the tourism industry than the provision of services for local residents. Field sketching was undertaken at the central car park and the popular tourist spot of Bolton’s Bench, which due to its somewhat more exposed location was a very chilly experience.
Staff who accompanied the students were impressed at the mature and diligent manner with which the groups approached the fieldwork and comments from members of the public were extremely complimentary.
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