A Level Results 2012 | Highcliffe School

A Level Results 2012

Our top students all gain top University places, including Oxbridge places.

Once again the highest standards are maintained at Highcliffe. The pass rate is again at 99% for all students collecting A level results.

66% of students gained A*-B grades 
83% of students gained A*-C grades
100% of students gained A*-E grades

The majority of students gained a clean sweep of A, B and C grades.

Top achieving students include;

Jack Field  – Oxford University to read Biological Sciences
Aimee Falla  – Medicine at Southampton
William Holyhead – English Literature at Kings College London
Samuel Jackson – Economics with French at Nottingham
Eleanor Kelly – Mathematics at Warwick
Jamie Paddock  – History at Cardiff
David Penson – Mathematics at Bath
Margaret Sheekey  – Medicine at Barts, London School of Medicine
Abigail Stocker – History at Exeter
Isobel Worrall - Art & Design Foundation Year - Arts University College at Bournemouth
Stephanie Worrall – Medicine at Peninsula

Students studying Diploma courses in Business, Dance, Drama, PE and Child Care scored very highly with over 38% gaining Distinction/*Distinction grades.

A similar trend is being shown with our current Year 12 students, which is really promising for next year as well.

Headteacher, Judith Potts.
"Very warm congratulations to all our students. These grades are exceptionally good, as ever. My thanks go to our students, staff and parents who have all worked so hard together to achieve these excellent results. We are very fortunate to be working with a number of prestigious establishments including Oxford and Cambridge Universities, The Russell Group Universities, The Arts University College Bournemouth, Bournemouth University, Christchurch Borough Council and The Institute of Physics who all help us to prepare our students so effectively and I would like to extend a special thanks to these partners."

Anna Karanja, Director of Sixth Form was thrilled with the results and said,
"We again have a record number of students going to University this year. This includes our continuing trend of students progressing to Oxbridge as well a wide range of the Russell Group of Universities.
We are extremely proud of our students and it is fantastic news! We are so pleased that 20% of our students gained all A*/A grades across the board. With three quarters of all grades at C grade or above we expect that most students will be taking their first choice University places. Thanks go to all the students. This is a great day to celebrate!"


    Owned by: | Last Published: 20/05/2013 13:19:09 | Next Update: N/A

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