Over 80% of students gained 5 good GCSE grades (*A – C grades)
This represents a year on year trend of improving examination results
More than 4 out of 5 students at Highcliffe now get 5 ‘good GCSE’ grades
This is excellent news for students, parents and the community.
Headteacher, Judith Potts,
“Congratulations to our students. I am delighted with these results as they show a continued increase over a number of years and maintain our position as a high achieving school. These GCSE results complement the excellent A level results that we achieved last week and A level courses in the Sixth Form are already very full indeed.
The 5 A* to C pass rate of over 80% is a real credit to our students, our staff and the parents who provide that continuing support from home. We had hoped for good results this year and our students performed well.
I am particularly pleased for the parents and staff too."
Andy Goddard, Head of Achievement for Year 11 was absolutely delighted with the results and said, “We are so proud of our students. This is excellent news! Thanks go to all the students and their parents. We have worked together over a 5 year period to achieve these great results.
I am delighted that so many students will now have excellent grades to move on to their A levels studies and other programmes in the Sixth Form.
This is a great day to celebrate! Year 11 now have the opportunity to go on and be as successful as our Sixth Form were last week.”
Top 15 achievers in the year group, with 10 or more A*/A grades are:
Jacob Brennan
Annamaria Cassella-Hall
Holly Charlwood
Laura Clifford
Stephanie Colclough
Sarra Demetriou
Alexander Field
Conor Forrest
Zoe Gilham
Finn Heasman
Kathrine Luckwell
Madeline Morgan
Laura Reid
Richard Smith
Bradley Tombleson
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