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Ecological Adventures | Highcliffe School

Ecological Adventures

During Biology Week

The Year 13 A level Biologists spent a superb 3 days along the Jurassic Coast on the Isle of Purbeck.

This was a great chance to study outdoor biology with wellies on! We arrived at with great expectations at Leeson House Field Studies Centre which is set in an outstanding environment nestling in the Purbeck Hills overlooking Swanage Bay.  We were met by our expert Biology tutor, Mr Mike Gould, and he took us through the field trip itinerary.

We spent the first day looking at woodland ecology in the grounds of Leeson House. We also studied the abundance and distribution of lichens (which are a symbiotic relationship between an alga and a bacterium) on old stone work.  Our final practical for the day was to look at the meadow buttercup, Ranunculus repens, and how it is distributed across a ‘managed’ flood alleviation plain.  During this part of the field trip we conducted the formal practical skills assessment of the OCR A level course. This involved the collection of primary quantitative and qualitative data in the field and formal write ups and evaluations under examination conditions. The first day ended at 9.30pm after over 11 hours of teaching and learning!

Day 2 took us to the wild and exposed Kimmeridge Bay to study marine ecology. The sun shone and the wind blew. Whilst the sea was littered with windsurfers we carefully studied the animals and plants (fauna and flora) that inhabit this extreme environment. The range of organisms found was amazing and included a tiny periwinkle (about 3mm long!), Littorina neritoides, that can live in temperatures up to 42⁰C. Although it is a marine animal it has evolved a modified lung to inhabit the splash zone at the top of the beach. We also found a huge array of seaweeds and animals including the green and purple snakelocks anemone and the dog whelk, a raging carnivore! We finished the afternoon off at Kimmeridge Bay with Mr O’Connor’s line caught, home smoked fillets of mackerel cooked over a driftwood fire and served with hunks of tasty bread from the famous bakers called Dragons in Corfe Castle. In the late afternoon sun the perfect end to the transect work gave us the chance to talk about consuming food in terms of food metres rather than food miles as the fish had been caught off the Kimmeridge Bay coastline!

Day 3 and we spent the day in yet more sunshine at Studland beach where we studied the succession of plants across a sand dune complex. We looked at how sand dunes are formed and how the vegetation causes the dunes to become stable as you travel inland from the beach. The tide was very high and was actually causing sand dune erosion before our very eyes! In the dune slacks we also saw the UK version of the Venus Fly Trap, a carnivorous plant called the Sundew!

The evenings were spent writing up the work from each day in the lab followed by a mad few hours in the games room.

Ellis – “Mr O’Connor cooking smoked mackerel fillets over a wood fire on the beach!”
Logan – “Great to study Marine Biology and I plan to study this subject at University next year”
Emily and Katie -  “Leeson House (aka Downton Abbey) is a great place to stay – like an old manor house”
Phoebe – “ Littorina neritoides, beautiful!”
Ellie – “It was great to put theory into practice on the beach”
James – “The Purbecks and marine ecology – paradise!”
Will – “Ringing birds to look at bird migration was excellent – and part of a global research project”

Originally published on the Society of Biology Blog





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