Highcliffe Anthology 2012 | Highcliffe School

Highcliffe Anthology 2012

Our students have a way with words

It is with great pleasure that the English Curriculum Area have produced the fifth Highcliffe Anthology. Over the last six years the Highcliffe Anthology has gone from strength to strength and the current edition features poetry and prose from nearly a hundred Highcliffe students.
The anthology was created to showcase the creative and imaginative writing of our students and each year we are amazed at their diverse and original talent.

We are delighted that, once again, the cover was inspired and photographed by a year 13 Highcliffe Photography student.

We have already had over thirty submissions for the 2014 anthology and would encourage any budding poets and writers to submit their poetry and short stories for consideration as early as possible. If you have a poem to share or a story to tell we would love to hear from you.

Please e-mail your piece to office@highcliffeschool.com for the attention of Mrs H Pearson.



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