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Highcliffe School's 50th Anniversary | Highcliffe School

Highcliffe School's 50th Anniversary

This year is an important milestone for the school.

In the spring we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the

The school opened as Christchurch Grammar School in September 1961 in temporary premises whilst the main school building was being finished.
The Grammar School students moved into this building in Highcliffe in February 1963.

Below are some pictures from the early days of the school.

We would love to add to these. We are inviting any ex-students from the 60’s/70s/80s/90s/2000s and of more recent vintage to contact the school with memories, photos etc.

This is with a view to enlisting your help to create a memorable event, or indeed events, during the year.
We would be especially interested in hearing from alumni of the very early years - in particular those who attended Christchurch Grammar School from September 1961.

Please email us at office@highcliffe.school to share your memories.




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