Since achieving the Investor in Careers award in June 2010, Highcliffe has made a continued commitment to provide quality provision for CEIAG (Careers Education and Independent Advice and Guidance) for all students, despite the changes imposed. There is access for all students to careers software via My Highcliffe (specific to each Key Stage) and a well-resourced careers area in the school library. The School has also continued to employ a Connexions personal advisor (Mr Sherwin) and has specific CEG lessons within the PHSE curriculum. The School is preparing for the re-assessment of the Investor in Careers award in June and is pleased with the developments in the provision of CEIAG for all year groups.
Most students in Years 9 and 10 have Preparation for Working Life as part of their core curriculum and this has allowed students to have a structured focus on essential preparation for the Year 10 work experience, as well as a greater understanding of the world of work. The course has also resulted in students from Highcliffe School being commended by employers for their high standards of applications and interviews.
The Year 10 Mock Interview programme that has recently been completed is a vital extension of the course. The importance of this experience is crucial and valuable preparation for work experience, and for future interviews.
Where it is appropriate, the school is able to provide a more personalised curriculum for students in Key Stage 4, giving the opportunity for students to follow certain vocational subjects. There has been the development of a bespoke Angling and Environmental Science diploma. Also, through successful partnerships with The Arnewood School, Paragon Training and Bournemouth and Poole College, there are over 25 students who are working towards Level 1 and 2 qualifications in Motor Vehicle and Hair and Beauty courses. The school has been able to celebrate the success of the WRL each year, with Highcliffe students winning accolades such as ‘student of the year’ (Naomi Symes for the Hairdressing course in 2011) and ‘best vocational student’ (Alfie Kybert for the New Forest Consortium in 2010). More importantly these courses provide excellent progression routes for the students, many securing work experience, further education courses and apprenticeships as a result of their understanding of the vocational area.
It would be fair to say that the range of provision given to Highcliffe students with regards to careers guidance and preparation for the world of work is wide-ranging, with the needs of all students considered. We hope that the students maximise the opportunities they are given whilst in school, to enable them to be successful in their chosen career pathways.
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