As part of the School’s Careers Education and Guidance policy, the entitlement of both students and parents are clearly defined. The Entitlement Statements for all Key Stages have been included in the student planners and have been recently updated as the school prepares for re-assessment for the Investor in Careers Award. They have become more ‘student-friendly’ and specific to the provision at Highcliffe School. Students are able to record their entitlement through the Highcliffe Challenge as there are a number of the ‘challenges’ that are directly linked to the provision of independent advice and guidance about careers and pathways.
Students are entitled to careers education, advice and guidance which is:
• independent and impartial
• integrated within their overall education and structured to provide help at transition points and to meet their continuing needs
• based on the principle of equal opportunities
The primary aims of the Careers Education and Guidance programme are to :-
• prepare young people at Highcliffe School for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life;
• help young people develop an understanding of their own and others’ strengths, limitations, abilities, potential, personal qualities, needs, attitudes and values;
• help young people investigate opportunities for further learning and employment, make decisions and manage progression and transitions across the three key stages at 13+, 16+ and 18+;
• ensure that, wherever possible, all young people leave the school with employment, further education or training.
Statement of entitlement
By the end of Key Stage 3 students are able to:-
• Have the opportunity to explore careers ideas and the world of work through the ‘Take Your Child to Work’ programme.
• Use a website called “Launchpad” to begin to find out more about the types of work in which you are interested and to explore different career ideas.
• Know what subjects they can study at KS4.
• Discuss their choices with their tutor, subject staff, Connexions advisor and parents/carers.
By the end of Key Stage 4, students are able to:-
• Confidently plan for their options at Post 16.
• Know the options and pathways available to them and where to get information.
• Know which subjects, skills and qualities are useful for career options they are considering.
• Have the opportunity to develop career ideas through the website “Kudos” and from meeting a variety of adults other than teachers at; careers talks, visits, mock interviews and work experience etc.
• Create a portfolio (to include a CV and personal statement and a record of achievements).
• Studied a ‘preparation for work’ course/programme.
By the end of Key Stage 5 students are able to:-
• Identify the range of options available to them and where to get further information.
• To use information available (Higher Education Fairs/Future Pathways Day/”Careerscape” website to effectively develop and manage their career pathways.
• Prepare effectively for applications (CV’s and personal statements) and interviews.
• Have the opportunity to apply for university courses, higher apprenticeships, sponsorships or gap year placements.
• Have the opportunity to attend university open days, conventions and residential programmes, including the Oxbridge programme.
Parents/carers are entitled:
• to have access to information on Options at 13, at 16 and during Post-16 education
• to have information about Work Experience and the opportunity to discuss Work Experience issues
• to be present at Careers Interviews (at appointed time).
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