Highcliffe School was presented with the Investor in Careers Award in June 2010 and this quality standard in careers provision has become particularly important since the 2011 Education Act, when the responsibility to provide access to impartial guidance for 14-16 year olds was delegated to schools.
Highcliffe School is delighted to have successfully gone through a re-assessment of its CEIAG provision and for the Award to be renewed for another 3 years.
The Investor in Careers assessor, Danny McGregor spent a day in the school and examined a portfolio of evidence and spoke to a variety of staff and students about the provision and delivery of CEIAG. He identified some key strengths:
•Clear commitment and support for CEIAG as a whole school responsibility from the governing body and senior management.
•A well-structured CEIAG programme underpinned by the PWL course which is established as a core element of the curriculum in Key Stage 4.
•Students gain valuable insights into the world of work through a variety of opportunities to hear from and engage with representatives from a variety of career backgrounds.
•Access to independent and impartial advice, guidance and information sources ensure that students are well informed about future pathways and plan effectively for their futures.
To receive the award, a school needs to demonstrate a commitment to provide impartial, independent careers education, information, advice and guidance to all young people.
It is one of the highest accolades an organisation can receive for excellence in this area of work as the award is about improving students’ awareness of opportunities, raising their aspirations and working with them to ensure they achieve their full potential.
We have achieved renewal of the award due to a variety of factors; whole school commitment, successful partnerships with employers and service providers, (including Ansbury and our Connexions advisor Dave Sherwin), an improved PHSE curriculum that ensures each year group has a specific and relevant CEIAG focus, and by providing a range of opportunities to students to explore, develop and manage their career pathways.
With suggestions about how the school can measure , record and evaluate the impact CEIAG provision on students’ learning, the Investor in Careers process has prepared the school to respond to the challenges faced by the “Raising the Participation Age”, and the proposal to extend the statutory CEIAG to Years 8-13 from September 2013.
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