Sixth Form visit to Southampton University
On Thursday 20th June 2013 the Year 12 A-Level Computing group visited Southampton University for the day to find out more about the courses on offer. The students were lucky enough to see real life research being undertaken in the ‘Gate Lab’ which is aiming to be able to identify individuals by tracking the way that they walk. The Computing and Electronics department were also keen to show off ‘Erica the Rhino’ which is part of a project with Marwell Zoo. Erica is an electronic Rhino and is to be located in the Marlands shopping centre. It will interact with visitors using QR codes and tweets via several Raspberry Pi computers.
The final session gave the students an opportunity to play with Raspberry Pi computers and Jelly Babies to create a musical instrument. Such days really show how the ICT department here at Highcliffe is continuing to build its links with top universities in the computing field. Perhaps the best measure of any such day is the journey home where students were talking about possible university applications and changing their possible future pathways.
IBM: think.IT
As part of our initiative to encourage more girls to study GCSE and A Level ICT and Computing 10 Year 8 girls were given the opportunity to take part in IBM think.IT 2013 on 2-3 July 2013. This event was based at IBM’s headquarters in Hursley, Hampshire and is designed to inspire students to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and IT. Each year only 5 schools in the country are invited to take part in this event, each taking 10 Year 8 girls.
The event started with a murder mystery investigation where the girls worked in teams of 10 using code breaking software on the computers to crack coded text messages and input results into an electronic Cluedo board to solve “Who dunnit?”.
The girls then were mixed in with girls from other schools, working in teams of 5. Each team had the opportunity to work with an IBM Engineer throughout the 2 days with a brief to create an IT product that would enhance security. During the 2 days there were presentations from a number of IBM senior staff, including an IBM Executive, on Designing Solutions, Marketing and Presentations. Following each presentation teams broke into their own work areas where they were guided by their IBM Mentor in creating their product.
One of the sessions run by Southampton University gave the students an opportunity to play with Raspberry Pi computers and Jelly Babies to create a musical instrument. This involved the girls programming the Pi using the Python Programming Language. It is testimony to the work done in the KS3 Curriculum at Highcliffe that our girls were the only students present to have programmed a Raspberry Pi prior to the event. This was evident as the girls took a strong lead in the programming activity, impressing several of the IBM Mentors who sought out Mr Mortell to praise the girls.
The 2 days culminated in the teams giving a 3 minute “Dragon’s Den” style presentation to a group of high level IBM employees as well as a Senior Computing Professor from Southampton University. The Dragons then questioned teams for 2 minutes on their pitch. The quality of presentations was outstanding and all of our girls should be commended for their efforts and the excellent work they produced.
As a result of this event Highcliffe has now developed links with IBM and we are looking to run further trips to IBM next year.
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