Dorset’s Top Performing School at GCSE | Highcliffe School

Dorset’s Top Performing School at GCSE

The news about this year’s public examination results just keeps getting better and better.

We have just received confirmation that the performance of our Year 11 students in the summer has made Highcliffe the top performing state school in Dorset.  The headline figures are really something to be proud of.  Not only did the 5 A*- C rate approach 90% but the figure of 66% of students achieving the 5 and passing all three core subjects (English, Maths, Science) was higher than the simple 5 A* - C figure for many other schools.  Our main headline figure of 74% (5 A* - C inc Maths and English) is exceptional.
We are absolutely delighted with these results for so many reasons.  Most of all they are a real credit to our students, our staff and the parents who provide that continuing support to ensure results success.  Our students deserved these exceptional results given their drive and determination.

These results also represent a continued increase over a number of years.   They maintain our position as a high achieving school.  They complement our outstanding A levels results that you can read about on the following page. 
Through our progress tracking system we had anticipated excellent results this year.  Nonetheless the students still managed in many cases to exceed these high expectations.  I am sure many of you are aware that at the national level OfSTED have very recently stated that they are concerned that high ability students are not achieving as well as they should do.  Clearly this is not so at Highcliffe.  No less than 31 students gained 10 or more A*/A grades which means that almost 15% of students at Highcliffe School gained the best possible grades in at least 10 subjects.

Well done to everyone – students, parents and staff – whose hard work has contributed to this exceptional performance.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 07/10/2013 08:29:16 | Next Update: N/A

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