Year 6 Able Writers | Highcliffe School

Year 6 Able Writers

To start the new half term, Year 6 students from Tiptoe, St Luke’s and Brockenhurst School came to Highcliffe School for a Creative Writing Workshop with Miss Martindale and Miss Crump.

They arrived with energy and enthusiasm to develop their creative writing skills, working towards achieving and consolidating level 5.  The session involved a variety of activities to help students develop their ideas in their writing and to choose suitable and imaginative vocabulary choices.  They were then ready to take on a writing challenge based on the popular nursery rhyme ‘Humpty Dumpty’.  Students used the input from their sessions brilliantly and allowed their imagination to flow, which led to some fantastic outcomes.  Here are a few extracts of their work to enjoy:

‘I tried to regain my balance by wobbling around.  I was waving my arms like a bird but it was no use.  I was tumbling backwards rolling over and over…’Cressida (Brockenhurst Primary School)

‘He secured his foot in a crack and pulled himself up, though the piece of brick in his hand broke off, leaving him tumbling head first towards the ground…’ Isabel (Brockenhurst Primary School)

‘I hang swaying like a dead corpse, my feet dangling down and I can hear rocks crumbling away.  Cautiously, I try and wiggle my arm out of the dangerous rock and lower myself on to the ledge below.’ Gabriella (Brockenhurst Primary School)

‘Humpty slipped on the sticky mud.  Suddenly, he wobbled and was sent tumbling down the grey wall…his head smashed into the wall…Blood dripped down…’ Robbie (Brockenhurst Primary School)

‘As I started to speed up, my foot had got caught on a vine as if God himself had put it there.  My head smashed against the cliff.  Blood squirted.  The vine broke!’ Dylan (Tiptoe Primary School)

‘I wobbled and started to fall down, down and down.  Luckily, an emerald green vine was there and I grabbed it.’ Francesca (Tiptoe Primary School)

‘Gasping with horror, I rapidly hit the ground with a gigantic thud.  It really hurt and at that moment I heard a crack…’  Daisy (Tiptoe Primary School)

‘I could hear the rocks crashing.  Slowly, I turned, knowing I was going to fall... Falling off the colossal trees, I suddenly came in contact with the mossy floor.’  Felicity (Tiptoe Primary School)

‘As I sat on the rocky edge of the wall, soaking up the view, it didn’t occur to me that it was a long way down even if it was a treacherous climb up.  And then I was gone… I fell descending in horror, scrabbling to grab a rock…’ Ella (St Luke’s Primary School)

‘My foot got caught in a hole in the wall and I lurched forward unsteadily once more, but this time I could not regain my balance.  The wind rushed round my ears…’ Freya (St Luke’s Primary School)

‘I slowly pushed myself forward when my hand gave way.  I was wobbling over the edge of the brick wall …Out of nowhere, a bird appeared and flew just above my head, dropping a snow white feather…’  Izzy (St Luke’s Primary)

‘He was catapulted forward with vigorous speed.  His arms began to wave about in rapid torment, whilst his legs hung above him in descent.’  Max (St Luke’s Primary)

‘The gravity catapulted him up into the foggy, unclear sky.  Then he found he was plummeting through the air, waving his short stubby arms like a baby parrot learning to fly!’ Robyn (St Luke’s Primary School)

‘As I peered around the rugged wall, I felt a vibration, a vibration coming from underneath me.  Suddenly, I lost my balance and tumbled…’ Belanna (Tiptoe Primary School)




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