Year 11 Investigating Options at Oxford University | Highcliffe School

Year 11 Investigating Options at Oxford University

On Tuesday 19th November, ten Year 11 students went on a taster day to live a day in the life of an Oxford University under-graduate.

Here below is what two of the group had to say about the day:

‘We left school at 7:30am and were in Oxford by 10:00. After a brisk walk through the city we arrived at Merton College where we had drinks and biscuits; oh - and an introductory talk too! Following our introduction we were split into two different groups, Humanities and Social Sciences or Science. I was in the Humanities group where we began with a ramble through the historic City, dodging bicycle after bicycle, reaching another College – Queens. We gathered with many other schools to observe 3 mini-lectures ranging from Archaeology to Languages and also Medieval History – there was something for everyone. For me especially this was the best bit of the day as I learnt the most here and got a real feel for what University life is like for the fortunate, hard–working people that are accepted to study there.

After the series of lectures we had our lunch and then went back for an interview session with two undergraduates to see the University from their side, what was it really like to be studying at Oxford! This part was also really helpful as we could ask questions that would really help us now as well as in the future.
Having experienced this trip for the second time, I feel that I have learnt so much from the fact that there is a much wider world after secondary school, and that GCSE’s are only the beginning – even though it may not seem that easy most of the time! I have learnt from this trip that even your GCSE grades are looked at when applying to a university like Oxford as they act as evidence for past education. I also hadn’t realised that if you get your degree and don’t know what to do afterwards, you don’t have to go down the same career path. I can’t believe what a great experience I have been privileged to have taken part in and the world – really – is your Oyster!'
Hannah Rice

‘I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to spend a day at Oxford University with Mrs Dedman, Mr Garner and a few other students to investigate what options to take at A-Level.  Upon arrival we were welcomed and offered refreshments at Merton College, which was followed by an introduction to Oxford.  We were then split up into our Science and Humanities groups for a series of mini lectures.  I chose to take the sciences pathway for the day and the mini lectures for this were on Genetic Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics.
After eating lunch we ventured out into Oxford city and had a look around the area.  Upon returning to Merton we broke off into groups and were taken to Magdalen College by Grace and Johnathan, two undergraduates, to look at what A-Levels we need to take for different courses, and then to see what careers these can lead into.  At the end of the day we returned to Merton College for a general overview before going home.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and it gave me the opportunity to see what Oxford is like from a student’s perspective and gave me an idea of the things I need to do that will increase my chances of getting on the course I would like to take.'
Saskia Thorne

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