Impressing the Highcliffe Dragons | Highcliffe School

Impressing the Highcliffe Dragons

During Entrepreneurship Week the Year 9 Geographers demonstrated their entrepreneurial skills when given a Dragon’s Den challenge to design a new type of coastal defence.

All students worked hard on their designs and were keen to present their new and exciting ideas.

The BADMAN (Beach Awareness Managing and Nourishing device) scored highly and impressed Dragon Atherton. A working model was constructed whereby a sea wall was raised and lowered by a system of chains. The exciting part of the design was that it used Solar Power from panels attached to the exterior of the motor room to produce the electricity needed to raise and lower the wall.

The Wave Barrier combined a traditional sea wall with a curved top which redirected the water down through a system of tubes which helped dissipate wave energy. Panels attached to the sea wall turned to kinetic energy which was transformed into electricity and used to power local towns and villages.  This was another superb design that scored well and attracted the Dragons to consider investment.

The FATDWRA (Fully Automated Trench Digger with Radiator Add-ons) was perhaps the least effective design in terms of coastal management but the futuristic robot had an impressive array of features and was to be constructed of carbon fibre to prevent rusting in the harsh coastal environment.

Other presentations included a sea wall that was constructed in such a way as to encourage the formation of sand dunes along its length thus combining hard and soft engineering. This particular design had a cave type system at its base which it was hoped would develop into a habitat for crabs and other sea creatures.

Mr Mortell popped in during the final phase of construction and was much impressed by the careful thought and planning that our Entrepreneurs had put into the challenge.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 03/12/2013 13:58:33 | Next Update: N/A

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