This will be the sixth year of our lecture series and this promises to be just as exciting as the previous years. As a result of the success of the previous programmes, we have arranged six twilight lectures for parents and students. The lectures will take place at 7.00pm in the Performing Arts Centre at Ballard School, where light refreshments will be served. Families and friends of Highcliffe are cordially invited to attend any of the sessions, either with or without your son or daughter. Please feel free to bring a friend, the talks are free of charge.
16th Jan - Mal Phillips
Mal works and tours the world in the field of ‘Crisis Management’.
28th Jan - Marcus Culverwell
Marcus works in education but also writes in the topic of ‘Sustainability’.
Paul Cowell
Paul Cowell, the set designer, has had his contract extended with ‘Emmerdale’ and so the lecture on MARCH 4th 2014 is CANCELLED. We hope to re-arrange this.11th 17th March - Richard Bridge
Richard is a Merchant Seaman by profession. He will talk about a career and life at sea.
Capt. Bridge will still be in the Pacific Ocean on 11th March, so this lecture has been moved to the 17th March.
24th March - Pat Garrod
Pat and his wife are GPs who have travelled over 100,000 miles around the world on a motorcycle!
24th June - Colin Judson
Colin is a world renowned tenor currently with Glyndbourne and will also be working with English National Opera.
We look forward to seeing you there.
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