Rock Challenge 2014 | Highcliffe School

Rock Challenge 2014

‘Murder at the Manor’

The Rock Challenge Team have spent four months preparing for their dance and drama piece ‘Murder at the Manor’ to be performed at the event held at a sold out Bournemouth Pavilion. The forty six Year 9 Expressive Arts and Dance students spent an exhausting day on Tuesday the 11th of March, rehearsing in preparation for the evening performance.  This year the Highcliffe Team won the ‘Drug Awareness Award’, ‘Best Sound Track’ and an ‘Excellence Award’ for their ‘Video Performance’.  Congratulations to the performers on their achievements, a reflection of their professional rehearsal conduct and commitment to the team.  A big thank you to all of the staff involved for their contribution and hard work.
Mrs Wills

Here are some comments from the students about the whole experience:
“Rock Challenge helped us all to become more confident and work together as a team.  We were able to give a performance that we were proud of.”
“I would have never taken part if I had to audition, but I am so happy I did it now because it was an amazing experience.”
“Right before performing I felt so nervous because I was scared that I was going to mess up. But once the music started, I loved it. I wish I could do it again. One of the best experiences of my life!”

    Owned by: | Last Published: 27/03/2014 13:40:08 | Next Update: N/A

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