STEM Code Challenge Winners | Highcliffe School

STEM Code Challenge Winners

A team of Year 9 students recently won the STEM Wilts and Dorset Code Challenge and their prize was a tour of Double Negative Studios in London.

Double Negative is a leading CGI studio in London, and has worked on top films including: Iron Man, Man of Steel, Harry Potter, Hunger Games and many more. One interesting fact that Mr Clement discovered during the day is that the programmers working for Double Negative use the language Python to create the software tools used by the animators. This is a language that our Year 8 groups study!

Here’s what the students had to say about the day:
“I got to see how all films are broken down in to production stages; like coming up with ideas, and actual filming.”
“It turned out to be a better day than I expected. Double Negative visual effects was great, I loved the building and what they do. It has opened my eyes to new job ideas.”
“The day ended up being a brilliant adventure through the magical world of visual effects, leaving me enlightened by some technology I had never heard of, giving me a new option for potential job ideas.”
“The day was perfect, it has been an eye opener for me seeing what I want to be when I leave school. I have learned so much from this trip and gained knowledge that is very interesting, like what kind of effects they do. I now know what I want to do. This trip may have destroyed my childhood by seeing how ‘The Hunger Games – Catching Fire’ was filmed in a car park, but it was worth it for the experience.”

    Owned by: | Last Published: 04/04/2014 09:56:10 | Next Update: N/A

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