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Year 10 Girls win Engineering Competition | Highcliffe School

Year 10 Girls win Engineering Competition

It is nationally and internationally recognized that there is a shortage of girls choosing STEM subjects as degrees, and a growing body of evidence about barriers to subsequent careers.

The Soroptimists of Bournemouth created a challenge to inspire girls and encourage them to overcome these barriers in the form of creating a solution to help people in the poorest parts of our world.  Our 2 teams from Year 10 chose to design a tool for grinding grains into flour and design a sustainable cooker which they designed, made a prototype, wrote a report and then presented to a panel of judges at the final event on Tuesday 18th March at Bournemouth University.

After a tough judging session, where both teams were complimented on their reports, ideas and presentation skills, the project based on the solar cooker idea, ‘Solahedron’ took first place, winning a cash prize for the team and for the school. ‘Tri-Grind’, a tool for grinding grains, was pipped to second place by another school.

Massive congratulations to both teams for their hard work and dedication to the project. This has been hard work and challenging for the girls on many levels and they worked exceptionally hard to achieve what they did.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 22/04/2014 09:22:12 | Next Update: N/A

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