A message from Mr Earnshaw | Highcliffe School

A message from Mr Earnshaw

Hello to all Highcliffe students and your parents and welcome back from your summer holiday, which I hope was a restful and enjoyable one.

Last week my family finally completed our move from Cumbria into the local area and we are settled in our new home. My daughter is enrolled in a local primary school. I officially started work at Highcliffe on 1st September although the hand-over from Ms Potts’ leadership has been going on ever since I was appointed back in March. I’m lucky to be working with a team of very talented and hard-working staff. I am delighted to join this highly successful, caring and thriving school. I am looking forward to getting to know as many students and parents as rapidly as possible over the coming months.

Students will soon have the opportunity to meet me when I’m out and about on duty or visiting lessons, clubs and events, as well as through a series of assemblies I will give to the main school and Sixth Form over the next few days. I like to spend as much time as practicable away from my desk in order to be a visible and supportive presence around school. I intend to work closely with the Head Boy and Head Girl and the School Council, as the representatives of all students, to build on and further improve this already very successful school. As for parents, I look forward to meeting you at some of the many after-school events planned for the year including Open Evenings and Parents Evenings; and to working in partnership with you to provide a great education for your child throughout their time at Highcliffe. Parents, please note you are always welcome to contact me at school by phone or email or arrange to come in to meet face to face, by contacting my PA, Angie Parsons.

I have high expectations of student behaviour and attitude, and a total commitment to providing a really first-class education to all students in every year group. I come to Highcliffe with 6 years’ experience leading a large, high-performing 11 to 18 secondary school in Lancashire and 21 years of experience of teaching in total. Over the coming years I intend to work with staff, students and parents to build on the very positive ethos of Highcliffe School. I intend to ensure our examination results continue to be of the very highest standard, that students continue to feel happy, safe and cared for, and proud to be here; and students are challenged and developed academically by the stimulating and rewarding education they receive.

    Owned by: | Last Published: 05/09/2014 13:34:58 | Next Update: N/A

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