Borneo Bound | Highcliffe School

Borneo Bound

World Challenge is an organisation that delivers educational expeditions to schools and provides significant Health and Safety back up should any complications arise.

2015 will see a group of students from Year 12 and 13 travel to Borneo.  They have already planned their itinerary and plan to climb Mt Kinabalu, visit an Orang-utan sanctuary, trek in jungle and sleep in hammocks. This type of expedition is fundamentally different to other school trips as the students take full ownership of the build-up and planning.
They also take turns to lead the group in country by managing budgets, booking transport and accommodation and liaising with in-country agents.  The students carry out their own fundraising and also work together to accrue group funds to help pay for transport to and from the airport and for rest and relaxation activities.
So far the students have raised group funds by selling milkshakes at the school Sports Day, providing drinks at the Ballard Lectures and selling sweets at the Year school welcome disco.

The group will participate in a training expedition in October 2014 where they will discuss scenarios, practice river crossings, cook for the whole group and trek with packs on.  This will be an ideal time for the staff to assess their fitness levels as part of the preparation for the trip requires the participants to pass certain fitness tests.
Highcliffe School believes that the education of young people involves much more than the achievement of academic grades and that we need to provide a range of extra-curricular experiences for our students to develop. The World Challenge experience is one that we feel offers students opportunities way outside of their comfort zone but which provides the relevant support for them, and us, to feel secure in experiencing them.

Download the Training Expedition Information Pack

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