Highcliffe School has been selected as one of only 70 schools in the UK to take part in the prestigious young translator competition run by the European Union. Schools in every member state take part and students can translate a complicated text from any European language into any other member language of their choice. The competition took place simultaneously across Europe at 9am on Thursday 27th November. Highcliffe School was represented by five sixth form linguists:
• Kathryn Moses (studying French and Spanish A Level)
• Kate Barry (studying French and Spanish)
• Jamie Adams (studying French)
• Max Lacaze (studying French)
• Tessa Rizzoli (studying French, German and Italian)
Their scripts have been sent off to Brussels so we await the verdict of the judges. The winner from each country will get to attend a prize giving event in Brussels. You can have a go for yourself at previous translation texts here: http://ec.europa.eu/translatores/index_en.htm
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