Dear Students:
Thank you for your co-operation during the last few hours. I’m sure the media reports that there were armed police called to the school because of a shooting were upsetting to you. They were untrue.
At no point were any students at school at risk in any way whatsoever. It wasn’t really anything to do with the school. We asked visitors to delay leaving school, and made sure you all stayed in lessons, as precaution. You were not ‘locked-down’. As the Police now report “we would like to reassure the community, the school and parents that there is no risk to anyone’s safety.” There never was a risk.
All of the disruption and upset of the last few hours is a result of the media coverage, not the incident itself.
I know you will have found this all upsetting. Thank you for calming down quickly. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about when you leave school. You are completely safe. Please leave in your usual calm and friendly manner. There will be media people outside, don’t let them bother you. Many of you may well find your parents waiting. There is no need to be upset, and please re-assure them that you are fine. I’m really proud of the mature and calm way in which you have all behaved this afternoon.
Thank you
Patrick Earnshaw
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