Wealth in Words | Highcliffe School

Wealth in Words

Highcliffe students have been celebrating becoming millionaires – word millionaires that is.

Students from Year 8 and 9 enjoyed a celebration breakfast and prize giving to reward their completion of the ‘Million Word Challenge’, which ran during the Autumn term. Their target was to read a million words in one term and their word count was tracked by successfully passing a quiz on each book they read, as part of the Accelerated Reader programme.


Competition among the students was intense, both to beat the deadline and also to get the highest score. For most students this has meant reading at least 20 books and one top scorer managed 56 books, giving a total of 4 ½ million words.


Maybe the competitive aspect explains why over two thirds of the ‘millionaires’ were boys, who really relished the challenge. As James in Year 8 explained:

It definitely made me read more and it was fun because my friends were doing it too. 


Team effort was also rewarded, with prizes for tutor groups and English groups who had read the most. Well done to everyone who took part and made this a great start to the year’s reading activities.





    Owned by: | Last Published: 10/02/2015 08:55:13 | Next Update: N/A

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