This policy exists to regulate the use of mobile phones at school, in order to ensure students are attentive in lessons, not distracted by their own or others phones, to minimise the possibility of misuse including bullying with a phone, and reduce the chance of theft or damage to students’ phones.
Please find below a reminder to parents/carers of the Policy, which can also be found on the school website here.
Year 7 to 11:
In all Lessons:
Students are to leave their mobile phone switched off in their bag or locker during lessons.
Phones are not to be left in pockets or hidden in clothing or bags. Staff will remind all students of the policy at the start of a lesson and check that students have put their phone away in their bag, if it is not already in their locker. As with all school policies and procedures we expect students to cooperate with this.
There is no scope in the current policy for students to have a phone out on their desk, or in a pocket etc, in lessons, for any reason. They are not to be used to fiddle with, research on, listen to music on, photograph with, as a substitute for a calculator or to read on in DEAR i.e. they are not be to used.
Please note:
As a pilot study of whether phones can be used by students to support learning in future, and if so how, two subjects will experiment with using phones after February half-term. In strict circumstances some students in some Dance and Music lessons be allowed to use a phone to help their learning for certain parts of the lesson, but this will be supervised by the teachers of those subjects. Students will be informed if this is the case and be given clear boundaries of use.
At break and lunchtime, before school and when leaving school:
The current policy states phones can be used for texting, gaming, calling and music but not for filming or photographing. Staff on duty will specifically supervise the way students are using their phones, and will politely ask any student photographing or filming to stop.
There is no scope in the current policy for students to have their phone out or be using it for any purpose during lesson changeover. So, once the warning bell for Tutor Time, break time and lunchtime has gone, students are expected to put their phones away. Students are not expected to be seen with a phone, or with earbuds/earphones on display, when moving between lessons. Nor are they expected to be seen with a phone out or using a phone or with earbuds if they are out of class during lesson time. Students using a phone curing lesson changeover or in during a lesson if they are out of class will be politely asked to put it away. As with all school policies and procedures we expect students to cooperate with this.
The current policy allows for misused phones to be confiscated until the end of the day for the student to collect, and if misuse recurs for it to be confiscated until a parent/carer collects it. We keep the phone safe in the meantime. No student who sticks to the Mobile Phone Use Policy should see their phone confiscated.
Year 12 and 13:
Year 12 and 13 students don’t need to be on their phone between lessons or when moving around school during lessons, so a polite request that they put it away will be made with the expectation they comply. Sixth Formers are welcome to use them at break and lunchtime or during private study, in the same way described above, and to use them for learning in lessons with the permission and supervision of teachers.
Parents contacting students on their phones:
We politely request parents do not phone, text or post messages to their son or daughter during the day, as this can cause disruption and distraction. Lesson times are 9am to 11am, 11:20am to 1:20pm, 2pm to 3:05pm. If you need to make urgent contact, please phone the School and we will get the message to your child on your behalf. Your cooperation on this matter is greatly appreciated.
We politely request that parents also discourage their children from phoning them during the school day, particularly in relation to feeling unwell. We have specialist staff trained to medically assess a student injured or unwell, who can offer a more immediate diagnosis and response than is possible down a mobile phone. If we believe a student is too unwell or injured to remain in school or requires medical assistance, we immediately inform parents. If your child does phone you saying they are ill please support us by only telling them to go the Medical Room. Your cooperation on this matter is greatly appreciated.
Kindle e-readers used for DEAR are acceptable. Tablets issued by the school to students are acceptable in support of learning, although the IT Acceptable User Policy applies. Similarly, students who use their own tablets are expected to adhere to the IT Acceptable User Policy.
We recognise many students at Highcliffe use the phone responsibility – thank you because we really appreciate it.
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