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Year 11 Get Inspired | Highcliffe School

Year 11 Get Inspired

Just before the Spring half term 14 Year 11 students visited Merton College, Oxford for an inspiring information day.

The first session was delivered by Dr Cressida Ryan, the Schools Liaison Officer for Merton College, who dispelled the many myths around studying at Oxford University. The students were then taken on a tour of the College by a Post Graduate student and our students were able to see for themselves what life would be like for someone studying there.


This was followed by a delicious lunch which was served in the grand dining hall. It looked very much like a scene from Harry Potter! Once fed we were then escorted to the Computer Science building across the city walking amongst such landmarks as the Radcliffe Camera and the Bodleian Library.


The afternoon session was a Computer Science programming workshop which the students found challenging yet enjoyable. We then walked to the Bodleian Library and looked at the exhibition entitled ‘Remembering Radcliffe: 300 years of science and philanthropy’. Sir John Radcliffe is one of Oxford's greatest benefactors and the curator there told us a brief and interesting history of this great man’s key works.


All students thoroughly enjoyed the day with comments such as;


“It was really helpful”


“The Computer Science bit was really interesting and I liked the fact it was challenging and ‘hands on’”.


“The most useful part was gaining an insight into the system of Colleges used in Oxford”.

“I enjoyed seeing what a real College is like”.


“The most useful part for me was learning about the different courses and about how to afford the university fees”.








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