They will be departing from Highcliffe School on Saturday 11th July. They will be accompanied by Mr Nicholls, Miss Swan and an Expedition leader from World Challenge.
World Challenge 2015 - Information and Updates
World Challenge is an organisation which delivers educational expeditions to schools and provides significant Health and Safety back up should any complications arise. For this reason Highcliffe School has chosen them for three consecutive trips, the first to India and the Himalayas, the second to Madagascar and the third to Cambodia and Vietnam.
The expeditions are split in to three phases and include Trekking, a Community project and Rest and Relaxation. The build-up process takes two years, during which the students have regular meetings with the school leader as well as World Challenge representatives. The students have to fund raise or gain employment to fund the trip and also learn group skills to negotiate and plan the trip itinerary. They must also organise their own inoculations, visas and specific kit items.
Our last trip, summer 2013, saw us travel to Cambodia and Vietnam. The students experienced three and a half weeks away from home taking full responsibility for how they travelled, where they slept and what they ate. They had to adjust their itinerary on their first day as they missed their connecting flight having raced across Bangkok in taxis. They travelled overnight in trains, long distance buses, and carried out a project in a Cambodian orphanage.
2015 will see a group of 15 students from Year 12 and 13 travel to Borneo. They have already planned their itinerary and plan to climb Mt Kinabalu, visit an Orang-utan sanctuary, trek in jungle and sleep in hammocks. They will participated in a training expedition in October 2014.
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