GCSE Examination Results Summer 2015 | Highcliffe School

GCSE Examination Results Summer 2015

Highcliffe School is delighted to report another year of excellent examination results and a significant increase on last year’s results.

83% of students gained 5 or more good GCSE grades (*A – C grades). This is an increase of almost 10% on last summer’s results. Most significantly 71% of students gained 5 or more good GCSE grades (*A - C grades) including English and Mathematics, an increase of 5% on last year. The average grade achieved by students increased by almost a whole GCSE grade compared to previous years.


20 students achieved an outstanding 10 or more A* or A grades and 27 students gained 8 or more A* or A grades.



New Headteacher, Patrick Earnshaw says,

"Congratulations to our students. I am delighted to complete my first year at Highcliffe with outstanding results at A Level and GCSE and significant increases in both compared to previous years. These results strengthen our reputation for academic excellence and high achievement by our students.


The 5 A* to C pass rate including English and mathematics of 71% is a real credit to our students, our staff and the parents who provide that all-important support from home. We had anticipated excellent results this year and our students performed very well to meet and, in many cases, exceed these high expectations. All our students have done really well and I’m very proud of them. The 20 students who have gained 10 or more *A/A grades achieved some of the best GCSE results it’s possible to achieve. As a non-selective comprehensive school our students’ overall results are highly commendable.


This is excellent news for students, parents and the Highcliffe community. It also means that a large number of students will be progressing into the Sixth Form with outstanding examination results. We are also delighted to confirm that we have a very well qualified cohort of students joining from a wide range of local Hampshire and Dorset schools."


Paul Evans, Head of Achievement for Year 11 was absolutely delighted with the results and said,

"We are so proud of our students. This is fantastic news! Thanks go to all the students and their parents as well as the staff at school. We have worked together over a 5 year period to achieve these great results. I am very pleased that so many students have excellent grades to move on to their A level studies and other programmes in the Sixth Form. This is a great day to celebrate! Year 11 now have the opportunity to go on and be as successful as our Sixth Form were last week. I am very proud of the results achieved by all of the students at Highcliffe".



Top achievers in the year group, with 10 or more A*/A grades are (in alphabetical order);

Elizabeth Allum
Felix Bradley
Eoin Burgin
Jake Butler
Joshua Cunningham
Anna Facer
Emma Fletcher
Matthew Lockley
James Mascord
Joseph Maskery
Patrick McCarthy
Caitlin McNee-Smith
Philippa Peters-Cheale
William Presland
Lauren Stevens
Rebecca Summers
Charlotte Taylor
Katie Townsend
Lauren White
Shannon Whyte










    Owned by: NOR | Last Published: 20/08/2015 11:06:13 | Next Update: August 2016

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