Home Study
How much Home Study should be done?
KEY STAGE 3 (YEARS 7/8): Each home study should take a minimum of 30 minutes to complete.
KEY STAGE 4 (YEARS 9/10/11): Each home study should take a minimum of 45 minutes to complete.
KEY STAGE 5 (YEARS 12/13): Students should expect to spend one hour, per subject, per evening.
How do you know what is set and when?
What parents can do to help:
The most important thing parents can do is simply to take an interest in their son/daughter’s work. Apart from trying to provide the correct time and place for home study to be completed, you could:
What the school can do to help:
The Learning Support team runs a home study clinic before school each day from 8am and every lunchtime in LS1. An after school home study clinic also runs Monday to Thursday from 3.05pm to 4.05pm in the School Learning Resource Centre. There is always someone there to assist students and it is open to all.
At Highcliffe School we are constantly striving to find new and innovative ways of supporting our students. With this in mind, to assist our KS3 and KS4 students with their home study ‘MyHelp’ has been put into place.
When accessing their home study via MyHighcliffe, KS3 and KS4 students are now able to click on an icon – a question mark – and type a message stating the difficulty they are encountering. This message is then sent to an administrator who offers guidance or seeks support on behalf of the student from the appropriate curriculum area. Advice is then given via email to assist the student with their home study.
School Day
The present school day is:
0835 to 1320
1400 to 1505
During the teaching day there are 5 teaching periods, four in the morning and one in the afternoon, each of one hour duration.
Charges and Subsidies
Many of the educational visits and experiences are only possible with the tremendous voluntary financial assistance we receive from parents. In the school’s policy for charges and subsidies for educational activities (full details found in the ‘Policies’ section, under ‘Information’) the Academy Trust welcomes the principle of free school education, and also recognises the support offered by parents which enables the school to offer such a wide range of activities for our students.
Medical Facilities
A regular programme of preventive medicine is carried out at school by the Children and Family Health Services.
The programme includes:
Immunisations:- | |
Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio and Meningococcal C | Year 10 Students |
HPV | Year 8 Students |
Parents are informed about proposed injections and parental consent is needed before any treatment is given to a child.
If children are injured or become ill at school, our Medical Officer will assess and give medical treatment and if necessary contact parents to arrange collection. We do request that parents keep us fully informed regarding any medicines which children may need during the school day or of any ongoing treatment outside of school which may affect attendance.
PLEASE NOTE: School staff are not allowed by law to give medication to students without written consent from parents.
The Disability Discrimination Act
The school works with Dorset LA to continually improve access provision and implements a DDA plan which is regularly reviewed.
Owned by: APS | Last Published: 04/10/2017 15:54:46 | Next Update: As Required