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New School Website: MyHighcliffe... | Highcliffe School

New School Website: MyHighcliffe...

...- Student, MyHighcliffe - Parent and MyData.

This year the school has made some changes to how MyHighcliffe works. Initially we introduced the new MyHighcliffe – Students site, which included a new MyData section, as well as the new MyClassroom section. This has meant that more people are able to create content for courses, providing more learning resources outside of school hours.



However, several students pointed out that it took longer to login and access their individual information from this new system, which was highlighted when two Sixth Form students created their own MyData tool ‘iHighcliffe’. This linked to the previous MyData section and included them in a new, mobile friendly site.


The new website will also have the links to MyHighcliffe in the top corner, this will include all the link to the Student and Parent sites.


    Owned by: GWT | Last Published: 15/12/2015 12:30:09 | Next Update: NA

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