The brief required the 10 teams to put together a campaign to raise awareness to reduce litter in their local area. As part of their campaign the teams had to produce an app, poster and Powerpoint, working to tight deadlines and having to attend workshops to help them with the process. They also had a mentor from Coca-Cola to help them with their campaign. After a working lunch, the presentations began. Teams were penalised for going over the allotted time of 5 minutes; Highcliffe’s presentation was a very precise 4 minutes and 52 seconds long!
See the winning presentation here.
Winning Poster Design
There were 3 prizes on offer, one for the app, runner-up and winner. After 5 years of making the regional finals and a runner-up last year, Highcliffe were judged to have the most complete campaign that was feasible and satisfied all parts of the brief. This is a fantastic achievement and the students should be highly commended for their level of commitment, team work and enthusiasm in firstly reaching the regional final and secondly for the manner in which they went about the task.
They were an outstanding advert for the school. Their story does not finish there as they now move on to the Coca Cola national final on 16th March in London. Their prize as winners also includes a winners’ reception at the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday 15th, a choice of restaurants for dinner, choice of West End show and accommodation. This means they are now in the final 11 out of 870 schools nationally. I’m sure you will join me in wishing them well for their national final.
Mr Callear
Owned by: SCR | Last Published: 08/02/2016 12:11:32 | Next Update: NA