The judges decided to award all first prizes across the Key Stages to Highcliffe School:
Mia received a certificate for her contribution. This was a wonderful achievement for the whole team beating off stiff competition from grammar schools, independent schools and other academies! Well done and a big thank you for all your hard work and efforts!
This prestigious competition runs every year and provides an ideal opportunity for students to use their foreign languages out of the classroom by giving a 2-3 minute presentation to a panel of university lecturers and an audience of MFL teachers and other participating students. Each school can only submit two entries per Key Stage. Participating students are judged on presentation as well as language skills (spontaneity, fluency, accent, interest, range of language and originality) by a panel of judges. Although 3 topic areas are suggested for each Key Stage, students write their own presentations and can include creativity, imagination and an element of drama in their presentations. Teachers may correct the presentations linguistically and rehearse with the students.
All prize winners will now represent Highcliffe School at the national MFL speaking competition on 29th June at Bristol University. Good luck to all competitors!
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