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New ‘MyHighcliffe’ Parents’ Website | Highcliffe School

New ‘MyHighcliffe’ Parents’ Website

As many of you will be aware, the new parent information website has just been launched.

This update brings the parent site into the same style of website as the student ‘MyData’ site which was released earlier in the year.

The added features include:

  • Updated Dashboard,
  • Clear Commendation, Achievement and Sanction (Demerits and Detentions) information,
  • Student Notifications shown to parents,
  • ‘Mobile Friendly’ design.



The change to this design ultimately means that the mobile device Apps that are used on mobile phones and tablets have been retired and are no longer supported.  To access the Parent site you can use the link under ‘MyHighcliffe’ on the main school website. - www.highcliffeschool.com

    Owned by: GWT | Last Published: 11/04/2016 12:25:19 | Next Update: NA

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