This meeting is the annual event at which the retiring Mayor of the Christchurch passes on the role, along with the chain and robes of office to the new Mayor. As it is a very formal occasion, it took place at the Wintergarden in Highcliffe Castle.
All the Councillors, Aldermen and Freemen of Christchurch attended, along with other representatives from the local community. Shelby Man (9.2) made a splendid contribution, playing the grand piano in the Wintergarden as the guests arrived before the ceremony, and, more importantly, whilst the Mayoral Party formally processed out of the meeting to exchange the formal items of office. Her choices included pieces by Chopin and Mendelssohn and were a perfect fit for the ceremonial occasion. In the picture she is accompanied by Councillor Mrs Jamieson, the new Mayor of Christchurch, who proposed formal thanks to Shelby as part of the meeting. Shelby also received a very warm round of applause and a beautiful arrangement of flowers!
Also taking part in this occasion was Martin Underwood (9.8), who was a member of the formal Mayoral Party, taking part in the processions as part of his new role as Mayor's Scout for 2016. This is a wonderful achievement for Martin, who has been selected after a rigorous application process and interviews from all the Scouts across Christchurch. Martin's duties this year will include accompanying the Mayor to functions where representation of the youth of Christchurch is felt to be 'appropriate and desirable'. This includes local events, church services and visit to the Borough by dignitaries and VIP’s. The Mayor Making ceremony was the first of these duties, and Martin has made an excellent start!
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