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GCSE Examination Results Summer 2016 | Highcliffe School

GCSE Examination Results Summer 2016

Highcliffe School is delighted to report another year of continued examination success

"Congratulations to our students. I am delighted that very good GCSE results have followed last week’s outstanding results at A Level, especially in view of the turbulence in examination standards and reporting nationally at the moment. These results strengthen our reputation for academic excellence and high achievement by our students.”

Patrick Earnshaw, Headteacher

 The new Progress and Attainment measures, which replace the old 5 A*-C including Maths and English measure which is no longer used, are a credit to our students, our staff and to parents who provide that all-important support from home. The average grade achieved by Highcliffe students over 8 GCSEs has increased by nearly a whole grade compared to 2015, and the amount of progress made from Key Stage 2 across 8 GCSEs also increased on 2015.  The percentage of students achieving at least C grades in Maths or English is well above the national average again. An incredible 24 students achieved at least 8 A or A* grades and 17 achieved at least 10 from a smaller year group than last year.  The 17 students who have gained 10 or more *A/A grades achieved some of the best GCSE results possible to achieve nationally. As a non-selective comprehensive school our students’ overall results are highly commendable and are likely to once again be well above the national average. Our A level examination results are amongst the best achieved at Highcliffe and maintain the school’s position as a leading provider of A levels and Sixth Form education in the Christchurch, New Forest and Bournemouth area. 29% of all grades achieved were A*/A with 17 students attaining 3 or more A*/A grades. 60% of all grades achieved were A*/A/B grades, giving our students the opportunity to progress onto top universities.”

Top achievers in the year group, with 10 or more A*/A grades are (in alphabetical order);

Alexandra Bach

Christopher Betts

Jacob Blackmore

Racheal Brangan

Jack Gale

Andrei Gheorghe

Poppy Gillings

Megan Kydd-Coutts

Annie Suenfa

Sophie McCammon

Harry Orsborn

Nadia Rhodes

Ralph Roberts

Zoe Sheard

George Smith

Kess Strongman

Olivia Wakefield

Alice Wayles



Will Edmonds, Head of Achievement for Year 11 was delighted with the results and said,
"We are so proud of our students. This is fantastic news! Thanks go to all the students and their parents as well as the staff at school. We have worked together to achieve these results and I am delighted that so many students have excellent grades to move on to their A level studies and other programmes in the Sixth Form. This is a great day to celebrate! Year 11 now have the opportunity to progress in our Sixth Form and continue their success at A level, as shown by our students last week. I am very proud of the results achieved by all of the students at Highcliffe".

    Owned by: LDN | Last Published: 19/09/2016 12:07:58 | Next Update: N/A

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