Many young people discount Engineering as a possible career path without realising exactly what Engineering is. Engineering offers a wealth of opportunities including computer design, motor racing, electronic systems, high-concept architecture, civic construction (roads, bridges etc), academic research, robotics, textiles development, chemical engineering and much more. Engineers are frequently ranked among the highest earning professions above doctors and lawyers because their knowledge and skills are so highly-prized. Engineering graduates or advanced apprenticeships can typically expect career routes giving them employment anywhere in the UK and Europe and indeed worldwide, from working for Apple to building dams in India and Africa, working in Silicon Valley designing the next generation of robotics, or designing and manufacturing complex medical technology.
At Highcliffe School we have an excellent track record of success preparing Sixth Form students from the STEM Subjects (Physics, Computing, Maths, Further Maths, Design & Technology) for entry to Engineering-related degrees and apprenticeships. Please click here to find out more about STEM and Engineering study at A Level.
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