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Our first ever Winter Fair raises over £10000 | Highcliffe School

Our first ever Winter Fair raises over £10000

On Saturday 3rd December the Friends of Highcliffe School held their first ever Winter Fair

This proved to be an outstanding success raising vital funds for our school; the money will help fund projects in school to provide better resources and facilities for students including contributing towards another rain shelter.

The day was superbly supported by staff, students and their families, as well as members of our local community bringing the total number of visitors to well over 800! The school hall, library, corridors and classrooms were filled with exciting and festive activities: arts and craft stalls, raffle and tombola, food and refreshments; festive stalls, treats and Santa’s grotto; musical interludes from Highcliffe and Christchurch Brass Band and our very own talented musicians: Max Elmore, Sammy Smith, Max Dervan and Alice Kendall. We were also blessed with two very delightful and amazing young girls, Annabelle and Stella singing Christmas carols and playing their ukuleles throughout the corridors!

The winners of our raffle were:

Mr Matt Mathews – first prize – a Hoburne Holiday

Mrs Baker – second prize - £100 cash

Mr Paul Evans – third prize - £20 Lord Bute voucher

 All other winners of the remaining raffle prizes are shown on our Friends of Highcliffe School page under the Supporters menu of our website.

We are sure you will agree that this is a tremendous amount of money raised for our school, borne out of unstinting commitment and dedication from the Friends of Highcliffe School. Our enormous thanks and appreciation goes to all our committee members; Winkworth Estate Agents for advertising sponsorship, sponsors of all the raffle prizes and stall holders; our staff, students and their families for making this day so special.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Owned by: LDN | Last Published: 13/12/2016 08:24:15 | Next Update: N/A

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