The programme could not run without the valuable ‘experts’ who give up their time freely; many have done so for many years and we are very appreciative of their assistance and loyalty to Highcliffe School. With many coming from the world of business, they bring with them a wealth of experience; there are solicitors, youth workers, procurement managers, bankers, recruitment agencies, people from the local council, HR managers, Rotarians, retired Headteachers and the Army to name but a few. The students collate their certificates, personal statement, CV and exemplar work in their portfolio and prepare themselves for their interview with their tutor. Students receive instant feedback on how they have conducted themselves and given some tips for improvement, if needed. Both interviewers and interviewees value the opportunity and see the whole process as most worthwhile. Indeed, some students have been offered work experience as a result of their interview or would have been offered jobs if there was one!
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